A Christian view of politics by David Burrowes

First published in Evangelicals Now in December 2024

Politics at least for the last 8 years has been a tale of the unexpected,
but what has sadly but not surprisingly been consistent has been the low
view the public have for politicians. In the league table of who you trust,
politicians are always in the relegation zone, and this is matched by the
growing disinterest and disdain for politics. But Christians, we have to do
better and be distinctive in our view of politics, particularly when our
politicians let us down.

We can turn to lots of the bible for inspiration about politics but perhaps
inevitably turn to Romans. However, it’s not just to the classic verses in
Romans 13 reminding us to respect the ordained institution of
government, but the chapters which motivate our attitude and
relationships which remind us of God’s mercy.

Romans 12 is like a powerful waterfall, flowing out “in view of God’s
mercy” - “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”
We need as Christians to be overflowing with sincere love, not least in
politics. The public is crying out for authenticity, not synthetic love but the
gold plated, sacrificial, putting others before yourself love. It means
loving those left behind and unloved by the world - it could mean a
modern day version of the tax collector or prostitute.

Love which stands against what is wrong, and standing for what is good.

Like William Wilberforce’s twin tasks to abolish the slave trade and
reform manners, or in modern parlance make goodness fashionable. Are
we as Christians in our political discourse known as much as what we
are for as for what we are against?

I recall soon after being elected in 2005 being thrown into a big ethical
debate as a member of the Parliamentary Committee scrutinising the
Human Fertilisation and Embryo Bill. Whilst I was clear about what I was
against, namely research into animal human hybrid embryos. I was less
clear about what I was for, which led to being an advocate for adult and
umbilical cord blood sourced stem cell research.

On the subject of big ethical debates, as we respond to the outcome of
the votes on the Assisted Dying Bill, will you continue in your
engagement with your MP? Don’t just treat MPs as lobby fodder, whom
we just value on the basis of what they have done for us. That is
following the world’s way of transactional politics. As Christians, God’s
way is of course better, as we continue to respectfully affirm our MPs’

God ordained role as His servants. MPs actually get reminded at the
start of each day when the Speaker’s Chaplain prays:

“Lord, the God of righteousness and truth, grant to our King and his
government, to Members of Parliament and all in positions of
responsibility, the guidance of your Spirit. May they never lead the nation
wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals but
laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their
responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all mankind; so may
your kingdom come and your name be hallowed.

Let us use this as a regular reminder to shape our prayerful attitude to

Finally, as we celebrate God’s gloriously merciful act in sending His Son
to be born into this messed up world and loved us so much to die for us,
why not be spurred to write to your MP and wish them a Happy
Christmas, and to have a good rest with their family, and assure them of
your prayers.

David Burrowes
Co-Director of Conservative Christian Fellowship

Christian characteristics of leadership in public life by David Burrowes

First published in Evangelicals Now in October 2024

I am writing this article on the way back from the Conservative Party
Conference where most of my time was spent with the Conservative
Christian Fellowship which had an exhibition stand at the entrance to the
conference hall. The talk of the conference was about leadership which
has made me reflect not so much upon the qualities of the leadership
candidates but upon the distinctive Christian characteristics of
leadership, which are needed not just in the Conservative Party but
across public life.
When I became an MP in 2005 I was immediately thrown into a Party
Leadership contest when David Cameron came from behind and after
an extraordinary conference speech went on to win. But on the subject
of throwing it recalls a time when I was first elected and the then
Conservative Party Leader, Michael Howard, invited me and other MPs
who had just been elected to reflect on their views about on the last
election. We had all munched our sandwiches and got to coffee and I
was conscious that I had not asked a question. I raised my hand but
unfortunately it was just the same time as Michael Howard, sitting next
to me, decided to have a slurp of his coffee. Collision! The coffee went
all over Michael Howard’s lovely purple tie and suit which had survived a
tough election contest but not my questioning hand! But it is Michael
Howard’s reaction which made a bigger impression than the stain on his
clothes. He responded graciously and sought to deflect the blame and
shame away from me and shrug off my clumsiness. It led to me writing
to Michael Howard suggesting that we have a coffee character test in the
forthcoming leadership contest, allowing me to throw coffee over all the
candidates and see if they act with similar grace!
The Greek word for Grace is the same as Gratitude. To receive God’s
Grace in vain is to fail to respond to Gods Grace with gratitude. To fail to
show overflowing thanks (Colossians 2 v 7) for Grace - Christ’s love so
wide, high, long and deep (Ephesians 3 v 8).
We need grace and gratitude everywhere, reflecting the extraordinary
generosity of our Lord in all aspects of life and even death. Psalms like
107 exudes gratitude:
“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all
your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit

and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires
with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
In a community in Enfield where my church has recently planted, a
group delivering a leaflet advertising the opening of a branch of the
charity Grace Advocacy, were met with the comment that there is no
grace here. It could perhaps also be said in some of our public life. As
the Conservative Party get into their final stage of choosing a leader, or
as we look to other leaders locally and nationally let’s do a character
test. No not by throwing coffee over them, but by ourselves leading by
example - talking about and showing Christ-like, Holy Spirit filled God’s
Grace and Gratitude.
David Burrowes
Co-Director of Conservative Christian Fellowship

The Christian Case for Conservatism by David Burrowes

We are committed to applying our faith to our political engagement and this does not stop when it comes to our political and party allegiances. As we have reflected on elsewhere, all political ideologies correctly hold to some Biblical truths and all political ideologies fail to recognise other Gospel realities. We cannot therefore add to the Gospel and demand allegiance to one party or cause, for we cannot bind what the Bible does not bind. Our interaction with parties, policies, and voting is more often than not a wisdom call. One which should be influenced and shaped by our faith but not one we can attribute salvation status to. As Christians then we are free to choose our party and free to choose who to vote for. 

We asked some Christian politicians and party members to help us think through the UK political parties and how their faith influenced/influences their party involvement. The following blog by former MP David Burrowes explores why as a Christian he is a conservative. The views expressed in the blog belong solely to the author and do not reflect the views of UCCF. 

It is our prayer at the Politics Network that this series is an encouragement and model for you as you think through how your faith informs your political engagement.

Whenever I am asked to put forward the Christian case for Conservatism, I am usually defensive for Conservatism but particularly for a right view of Christianity and Politics. Thirty years ago at Exeter University, with fellow student Tim Montgomerie, we established the Conservative Christian Fellowship in response to two world views. First, that you could not be a Christian and a Conservative. Second, that Christians needed to unite around a Christian political movement or political party. 

The latter view is hopefully being rebutted by these posts on the Politics Network which show that you can authentically be a Christian in all the mainstream political parties. Further, in our pluralistic society with sufficient freedom to manifest our faith, there is no biblical mandate to form a Christian political party but rather there is a mandate to be involved and be an active witness of Christ’s grace in the world of party politics. I can understand that party political activism is not for all Christians but Christians don’t have a choice about the need to be involved in politics. Government is the least supported of the three God ordained institutions; if only we prayed, preached and involved ourselves in government as much as we do for church and family.

Conservatism is often misunderstood or misrepresented or both. It may well be because making the case for Conservatism is different from the case for conservatism. The former (big C) involves a judgement on the Conservative Party’s policies since its formation in the 1830s, whilst the latter (small c) leans on a more historical and philosophical approach to politics and life in general. It is even possible to support conservatism but not necessarily the latest incarnation of Conservatism. I will for the sake of this blog merge the two seeking to make the case for the principles of conservatism as generally applied by the Conservative Party.

The very nature of Conservatism is hard to defend because it is not by essence prescriptively ideological but rather driven by pragmatism and process - ‘conserving the best of the past’. Conservatives cannot point to a revolutionary day, or founding statement. They shy away from the imposition of an ideal society, either by culture or state, and recognise the imperfection of this world. That is not to say that Conservatism is devoid of values and ideals, not least because much of the best of the past has been influenced by a Christian worldview. Nevertheless, an understandable challenge in a pluralistic society is that there is no guarantee that the historic Christian influence on Conservatism will continue in the face of significant secular thinking. So I welcome this opportunity to communicate with the next generation of political influencers and representatives, and seek to make the Christian case for Conservatism for the good of society.

Conservatism leans on the fundamental biblical understanding of a fallen humanity (Gen 3), which extends beyond our souls to our physical selves, our hearts and minds. Edmund Burke picked up on the sceptic’s view of an understanding of human perfection not being achievable this side of eternity. Conservatives do not use a blank canvass to paint a plan to fit in with the needs of a modern age. Rather, Conservatism is the idea that we can lean on the past, that we can develop learning, support social organisations such as marriage and the family and ways of doing things that mean we do not have to reinvent the wheel. For Conservatives these inherited values from previous generations may take a different form for a modern age but are respected and passed on. In an age of identity politics, Conservatives are more at home in the culture and history of our nation whilst striving for improvement.

Conservatism has an inherent respect for institutions; a biblically infused respect for authorities (Rom 13:1-5) and historically for the monarchy. As Burke said, “We fear God, we look up with awe to kings; with affection to parliaments; with duty to magistrates.” Conservatives should be big on the value of trust. As we know from the very beginning, we are designed and called to be good stewards (Gen 1:26-31), holding all creation in trust from God under ordained authorities. Indeed marriage and the family (Gen 2:24, Heb 13:4, Eph 5:25) is the key institution at the heart of Conservatism, supporting values of trust, sacrifice and service within and between generations. 

Conservatism is woven with a positive view of the individual. As a student through to being an MP, the main attack lines were of Conservatives being selfish, materialistic and individualistic. The defence is fundamental because Conservatism recognises and fulfils the Christian principle of human dignity created by our loving God (Gen 1:26-31). He wants us to be free – most importantly from the consequences of sin but also free and accountable to respect the rule of law and human rights. Crucially for Conservatism, it leads to a positive view of enterprise and wealth creation based upon the freedom to decide how God wants us to use our talents and our wealth from the work we do. With individual freedom comes responsibility, not least to the poor and needy (Deut 15:11, Prov 29:7). Conservatism though recognises that individuals not governments generate wealth and are more comfortable with the redistributive example of the early church freely giving out of love (2 Cor 8:7) than any state compulsion. Conservatives though should defend the individual, not necessarily individualism. Conservatism values the freedom of individuals to flourish and follow in the footsteps of Adam Smith supporting free trade. However, Conservatism is a restraint on unbridled capitalism as much as corporatism through a moral foundation based on trust and  mediating structures like families, churches and other voluntary associations.

Conservatives should judge the compassion of society primarily not by the size of the state but by the strength of families and voluntary associations to care for others. (Deut 15:11, Matt 25:44-45). Conservatism respects and values the state to restrain evil and promote good (Rom 13:4-5). Conservatives will lean on the state to provide law and order and defend our realm. However, what distinguishes Conservatism is support for Burke’s beloved “little platoons”, of organic, often small local groups who make up society and are the true bulwark against tyranny and defender of our freedoms. It is not surprising that Conservative associations have members who are often more committed to local charity groups and causes. David Cameron called it the “Big Society”, Christians would know it simply as being good neighbours (Matt 19:19). Conservative Christians stand on the shoulders of Christian politicians like the Earl of Shaftesbury, who led factory reform for children and women, and of course William Wilberforce. He demonstrated a deep commitment to human dignity and concern for the vulnerable as he led the Parliamentary abolition of the slave trade and support for charity as he pioneered the RSPCA, RNLI and mission organisations.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed” Psalm 82:3

May I finish with a few warnings:

First do not fall into the trap laid by a Daily Telegraph journalist for the late Brian Mawhinney when , as Conservative Party Chairman, he was asked whether God was a Conservative. He answered faithfully “No”, which led to a front page headline of “Government Cabinet Minister says God is not a Conservative!” Brian went on to say “God is not a Socialist and not a Liberal”, but by then the journalist had got his headline. God and belonging to Christ are much bigger and more important than political creeds. 

Second, don’t just vote. There has been a tendency for Christians to think that voting is the extent of engagement in politics. Of course it is important but (not least because you already have a deeper interest in politics than most by reading this far!) Christians are obliged to follow Christ into the world He loved so much and the messy social shaping of politics, being at the forefront of loving our neighbour and supporting the common good. It may well take us to a protest rally or into a party political meeting, but sitting on the sidelines is not enough.

Third, don’t just settle for single issue politics. There are many important  single issues which Christians rightly campaign on - abortion, family, religious liberty, poverty, debt, refugees etc. However, Christians are needed to be “salt and light” in party politics where numbers really count, whether voting to select a leader or candidate, or as a local Councillor or MP. A crunch question for me was, unless I am here who is taking my place?

Finally, being in politics is tough and messy in our fallen world and can weigh us down. Be like angels, who as GK Chesterton said “can fly because they can take themselves lightly”. Be like Jesus Christ, our ultimate example. He came to serve rather than be served, upheld truth over lies, showed compassion rather than indifference, and suffered for all those times that we get that wrong. “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). It is Christ who has faithfully modelled the way to be Christians in politics.

Easter Message from Gareth Wallace; outgoing Executive Director of the CCF

As we reflect on Easter we are reminded of Jesus life of service and sacrifice for all. May we be inspired and encouraged as Christians to continue to model and reflect in our own small way the Christian values of service and selflessness.

 Our goal in the CCF has been and continues to be, the raising up the next generation of Christian Conservative elected representatives as once again we support CCF members standing in the upcoming local Council elections, and those selected for the Candidates List. The Government has a huge range of competing priorities and pressures at any time, but we are perhaps living through the most historic period in recent political History.

We are encouraged as the Conservative Christian Fellowship Family that we are helping mentor the next generation of elected public servants.

It has been a roller coaster over the last three years, with a Brexit referendum, London Mayoral, Local Council and a General Election to fight. The Conservative Christian Fellowship embraced these electoral challenges, with more excellent candidates coming from our IMPACT course. We enjoyed a real sense of fellowship and camaraderie on the campaign trail.

The relationships we have been able to build with Churches and Charities have meant that the CCF has hosted more events in Parliament and at Party Conference with a higher profile than ever before.

With Christians in Politics going from strength to strength, our witness to the Church continues to grow. With ever more platforms to encourage Christians to join the CCF and recruit for the IMPACT course we are in a strong place to build for the future of Christian representation in politics regardless of the buffeting winds of political circumstance.

It has been the professional privilege of my life to serve for the past three years and three months as the Executive Director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship.

I took on as my motto for engagement in politics three words; service, sacrifice and season. We are all called to service, sometimes at sacrificial levels of time and energy, but we are all called for a season, so we can pass on responsibility, stewarding what we have been given for those who come after us.

The time is now right for me to exit the CCF stage and take up a new role in the Christian Charity Sector.

My final Prayers for the Nation on Tuesday 7th May will be an opportunity to say goodbye and thank you. We will be praying for our political candidates in the Chapel in Parliament followed by a Curry Club reception at CCHQ. You would be very welcome to join us for prayer and or for refreshments. You can book here: https://www.theccf.co.uk/events

I will remain an active Conservative Party and CCF member. We have an excellent board and an experienced staff team. I look forward to seeing you all in prayer, in Parliament, or out on the Campaign trail.

With my grateful thanks for your support without which the Conservative Christian Fellowship could not continue to be salt and light in these historic times.

Let me wish you a happy, restful and peaceful Easter,


Speech in Parliament on Housing and Homelessness by CCF Director Gareth Wallace

On 23 January 2019 in the Houses of Parliament, Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) and the Benedict XVI Centre of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, launched a new booklet, ‘Perspectives on political, social and human aspects of the housing crisis’. The main essay, contributed by Professor Philip Booth of St Mary’s University, calls on the Government to make it easier to build houses, including on the Green Belt.

Panellists at the well-attended launch event included Parliamentarians Siobhain McDonagh (Labour), Jacob Rees-Mogg (Conservative) and Lord Shipley (Liberal Democrat), all of whom also provided forewords for the booklet. Other speakers included the eminent philosopher Sir Roger Scruton, Edward Davies from the Centre for Social Justice, and Gareth Wallace from the Conservative Christian Fellowship.

Highlights from Gareth’s speech are reproduced below:

Prior to working as a political gamekeeper I was a policy poacher lobbying Government on precisely the kind of issues we are looking at tonight.

I led Westminster lobbying for The Salvation Army for over six years and took over 80 MPs on visits to Salvation Army Homeless Hostels.

As a Christian and as a Conservative I often get asked if these two legs to the stool of my life are compatible? Is Christianity compassionate about homelessness and personal need?

My short answer is that true Conservatism is about a profound respect for the individual for their personal value and for them to succeed in every area of life.

Therefore those whom I have met who are homeless are to be respected, encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential.

I am keenly aware that Government has not always been the best example of delivery for the Homeless.

However I am heartened by the proactive work that my friend James Brokenshire is undertaking to tackle the rise in rough sleeping.

Delivering for these most vulnerable of people is central to delivering social justice for the homeless.

Secondly building a home. I was always inspired by the writings of Lord Sachs our former Chief Rabbi. One of his most profound contributions was the book “The Home we build together’.

The concept of Home is deeply connected to family, to belonging, to our ideas of society and Nation.

The very title of Canon Andrew Ritchie’s report: A Home for every Heart. A Catholic vision of Housing demonstrates that there is a deeply held human need for home and community.

I would argue it is a principle that all true Conservatives hold tight to and unite around.

Yet if home doesn’t include bricks and mortar it’s not an easy concept to grasp.

One of my favourite publications is the Spectator, and I find its combination of Centre right journalism often with a healthy Christian influence one of the most wholesome sources of News and comment. One recent article challenged me profoundly.

In seeking to understand the appeal particularly to younger voters of the New Left a commentator exclaimed ‘why should we expect millennials to become Capitalists if they cannot acquire capital?

The article went on to outline how the housing crisis and its connected crisis in home ownership is something that should profoundly concern Conservatives.

In my political life outside of the rarefied world of the Parliamentary bubble I have stood as a Conservative local Council candidate three times in the Labour stronghold of Lambeth.

In fact if you look carefully out of this riverside committee room window you might be able to see my own Council Tower Block rising up in Stockwell.

It will soon be blocked from view behind more than 11 high rise developments around Vauxhall, themselves a testament to the dilemma of developments that appear to be out of reach for many, yet the alternative for Vauxhall for many years, was derelict brownfield land.

My own political journey began when after a Faith reception in Downing Street with Gordon Brown I returned to the epiphany than no amount of No 10 canapes can make a London Council fix the leaking pipes in their high rise blocks!

I entered the labyrinthine world of Tenants and Residents associations, right to buy, major works, and campaigned against the knocking down of Leaseholders and tenants homes under regeneration plans.

It is an honour to share a panel with one of my philosophical and political Hero’s Sir Roger Scruton. He said:  ‘Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it.” 

There is too easily a utopianism around housing policy, including planning, building and social housing, that while alluring and well meaning, doesn’t seem to stand the test of time or of human nature.

One of the reasons perhaps for this lack of progress in local housing policy might be the dilemma of democracy in these cases.

It seems that for many despite housing being the most important issue for them, they don’t connect that to local politics.

While we might decry local residents and Cllrs for refusing planning permission we must also have sympathy for those local citizens who do vote and do seek to make Home and community.

Why shouldn’t local communities have their say?

Many of us have understandable fear that while we know we need new railways, airports, road improvements or housing, we don’t want them too near to us!

For many local politics is characterized by what has been termed Nimbyism, or worse Banana-ism.

"Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything."

Some years ago in more innocent political times one of the CCF’s founders and splendid Conservative thinker Tim Montgomerie was debating at a Theos event with one of my Favourite thinkers on the left, Lord Glasman.

As Red Tory and Blue Labour thinking was expounded on the stage they both coalesced around one issue of shared concern. Housing.

It was apparent that particularly for voters in the South of England the party that manages to unlock the issue of housing would earn their vote.

Certainly as Conservatives have found, particularly in London, voters will listen more carefully to candidate’s arguments if they have answers to the housing crisis.

I look forward to taking my friend Shaun Bailey, the London Mayoral Candidate to visit London Churches and community projects to learn more of what makes the Church tick.

I have no doubt that solutions to Housing and Homelessness will rank highly in his priorities for London.

Speaking at someone with a still vaguely discernible Northern Ireland twang, as a form of Northerner, despite being an adopted Londoner, I also want to put on record the importance of region and place in the housing debate.

Both transport and employment policy can have a huge bearing on housing.

It is an oft mooted prophesy that never seems to come true, but the internet and home working, alongside reduced commuting times with higher speed rail, ought to allow those regions away from the SE of England a chance to compete for an ever greater share of our economy and of our homes.

Our dynamic Mayor for the West Midlands Andy Street is passionate about developing the economy of the region at the heart of our Nation.

It is perhaps no accident that homelessness is also one of his top priorities. It was an honour to launch his Faith and Homelessness action booklet at last year’s Party Conference.

For me Conservatism ought to go hand in hand with flourishing communities, with a relentless focus on helping everyone reach their potential.

I am delighted and daunted to be sharing the stage with such an esteemed panel, and to be hosted under the banner of Caritas.

My heritage is Irish Methodism and my current Parish is Evangelical Anglicanism. In my ecumenical journey representing Churches in Parliament and now speaking to the Church on behalf of the Conservative Party I have been profoundly influenced by Catholic Social Teaching and the concept of Praxis at the heart of all that the Caritas family of charities is engaged with.


My own Christian faith has been immeasurably strengthened in finding not a mush of ecumenical blandness but in the richness and passion of shared goals and combined Endeavour.

It was an honour to host Caritas at one of our CCF monthly prayer and policy events in Westminster.

We were inspired by Philip McCarthy Caritas CEO and I am delighted to be sharing at this launch event for this report:

Perspectives on political, social and human aspects of the housing crisis.

In these often fraught political times, it is wise to listen carefully to each other across the political spectrum, as well to listen carefully to what the Church is saying on matters of social policy and Justice.

Some of my most rewarding times at the CCF have been when I have been able to host Christian MPs at Party Conference in dialogue with Churches and Charities.

These fringe events often look similar to our discussion this evening and are designed to challenge and inspire.

In September of this year we will be returning to Manchester for Party Conference. A City with a profound sense of community and place.

My old employer The Salvation Army partnered with us on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 the last time The Conservative Party Conference was in Manchester.

I vividly remember my former colleagues inspiring us with stories of their work with the homeless, of the complex needs that lead people unto the street, that often a roof overhead is only one small part of a difficult story, of the challenges faced by both local and central government and of the need for more and better move on accommodation and more housing stock.

However what sticks in my mind as if it were yesterday was the young trainee Salvation Army Officer who spoke with particular passion about his work with the Homeless.

Cadet Paul Devine spoke eloquently of his work helping those on the streets to overcome their difficulties and move into secure accommodation and work.

He then revealed that the reason why he had been inspired to become an ordained Salvation Army Church leader was that he himself had been homeless.

 You could have heard a pin drop in that conference fringe event. Any one of us could have a life crisis and end up on the streets.

As Christians from whatever Party or Denomination we can all agree on this.

We might differ on the method or the policy but we all feel called into political or parish life to do two things:

To see each other as Children of God.

To seek human flourishing in policy and in practice.

Thank you.

Happy Christmas! From the Conservative Christian Fellowship

As we draw to the close of a busy year in politics with so many major changes taking place in our country, the Christmas season gives an opportunity to pause and to reflect on the joy of Jesus Christ. This period of reflection presents itself as particularly timely as the future often appears troubled and uncertain, especially in the political sphere.

2018 has been a pivotal year in the history of our Nation. Now more than ever, we must come together, with a shared vision of hope for the future.

When Joseph and Mary are told they would bear a Son, it was proclaimed “His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with us." At the first Christmas, God came down into this troubled world to identify with us, live among us and bring us joy and peace. At Christmas, we remember that He is God with us.

It is with the conviction that every individual person matters to God that we commend the work of those who care for others, who serve us selflessly and who keep us safe and provide for our security. We are thankful for the vast number of people who give of their time and abilities to make our society a better place for us all.

As the CCF looks back on our work this year in Parliament, at Party Conference and across the Nation, we were particularly inspired by our charity partners and their Faith-filled work with those in need.

As we think of our hard-working candidates, who we stood and campaigned alongside at the Local Elections, and as we support more CCF members than ever before as they apply to be on the Candidates List, we are encouraged as the Conservative Christian Fellowship Family that we are helping mentor the next generation of elected public servants.

We pray for rest, refreshment and a restored spirit this Christmas season as we look forward to tackling the fresh challenges of 2019.

Let me wish you a happy, restful and peaceful Christmas.

Gareth Wallace

Executive Director

Conservative Christian Fellowship

Preaching to the Choir? The colour of the Archbishop’s cloak

Preaching to the Choir? The colour of the Archbishop’s cloak

As the leader of the Conservative Party’s Christian Fellowship, and also a member of the Anglican Church, my ears pricked up when I heard that not only was my denominational leader, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, being quoted praising taxes and decrying cuts in an IPPR report, he was also addressing the TUC conference with a message railing against the ‘evils’ of capitalism and praising Christian Socialism.